Implant Blog - Sartell & Roseville, MN
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Tooth loss inevitably leads to jawbone loss, which is natural. However, bone loss can affect your appearance, giving you a concave and aged look around the lower face. Additionally, bone loss can make it difficult or impossible to replace missing teeth with prosthetics, including dental implants.
Fortunately, our dentists in Sartell and Roseville, MN, offer bone grafting, which helps fill out your lower face and makes you a candidate for tooth replacements, including quality dental implants.
If you’ve been told you can’t have dental implants due to bone loss or sinus placement issues, we encourage you to arrange a dental appointment with us. We specialize in dental implantology and often work with complex cases—those who may need pretreatments like bone enhancements or sinus lifts.
4 Reasons You Might Need Bone Grafting in Sartell or Roseville, MN
There are a few reasons your dentist might consider bone grafting, and we will talk to you about these reasons and lay out all the options should you require this type of dental surgery.
#1 Missing Tooth
As mentioned, a missing tooth leads to bone loss. By grafting new bone, we preserve the space for future dental work and help ensure the loss of bone does not give you the prematurely aged look associated with bone deterioration.
#2 Periodontal Disease
Periodontal disease is advanced gingivitis and a severe oral health condition. When you’re diagnosed with periodontal disease, it means infections and irritation in the periodontal ligaments and bones. Without treatment, you risk losing your teeth and your physical health—periodontal disease can affect multiple body systems, including the heart and lungs.
Treating periodontal disease treatment is crucial to lessen your risks of severe complications. Part of this treatment may include rebuilding bone through grafting.
#3 Misaligned Teeth
Over time, misaligned teeth can lead to bone loss due to specific teeth working harder to compensate. The team at i-Implant Dentistry can restore bone and reline your teeth for a healthier and more beautiful smile.
#4 Before Dental Implants
Dental implants require healthy and robust bone for success. We can graft new bone where there is deterioration, making you a candidate for dental implants, including all-on-4 or teeth in a day! That’s right. Our dentists can often give you a new smile with implant-supported prosthetics in as little as one day.
How Bone Grafting Works
The Cleveland Clinic says, “A dental bone graft adds volume and density to your jaw in areas where bone loss has occurred.”
Your dentist can use any of the following:
- Donated bone
- Your bone
- Synthetic bone
Donated bone means the bone comes from a third party. We can also take a small piece from anywhere in your body and transfer it to the jaw or use a synthetic bone made from compatible materials.
The procedure starts with an oral exam, x-rays, a conversation with you about the extent of bone loss, and a treatment plan to restore.
When placing the graft, we first anesthetize the site, and your dentist makes a minor incision. Next, we clean the area for the graft and gently place the bone. Then we close the site.
Afterwards, you may experience mild pain and bruising, but it only lasts a few days. You can easily combat minor discomfort with store-bought pain medication. Sometimes, you may also notice tiny bits of new bone, like salt or sand, escaping the gum for a few days. This is natural, and you should not be alarmed.
Your Sartell or Roseville dentist will provide any additional aftercare instructions.
Sedation Dentistry in Roseville and Sartell, MN
We offer sedation dentistry, including IV sedation, for patients feeling anxious about their bone grafting procedure or dental implant placement.
IV sedation lets you rest comfortably throughout your procedure. However, you’ll need transportation, and we encourage you not to sign any documents or make life-altering decisions on the day of treatment.
Of course, we take a health history before okaying IV sedation and monitor you closely throughout your procedure.
Contact Us for Bone Grafting in Roseville or Sartell, MN
We specialize in complex dentistry, including dental implant placement and bone grafting. If you want more information or are ready to arrange a consultation with our dentists, we encourage you to reach out to a helpful team member today.