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When Is Wisdom Tooth Removal Necessary?

a graphic of a damaged tooth that needs to be extracted.

Nobody likes to face the prospect of a tooth extraction, but in some cases, it’s necessary for your oral health. Getting your wisdom teeth removed in Sartell, MN is almost an oral rite of passage, for many of us, it’s needed to save our other teeth. It’s easier to remove wisdom teeth when you’re young, the older we get, the tougher teeth are to remove. If you need your wisdom teeth extracted, it’s better to consult with an oral surgeon for your comfort and security.


Do I Need My Wisdom Tooth Removed?

If your wisdom teeth are coming in, but have not erupted above the gumline—they may be impacted. Sometimes there isn’t enough room in the mouth, or the wisdom tooth is growing in at an angle. They can affect adjacent teeth if allowed to push against them.

If your Sartell, MN, dentist recommends wisdom tooth removal, it’s better to do it as soon as possible to avoid complications. Some common reasons to extract your wisdom teeth include:

  • Damage or impact to neighboring teeth, which can lead to bite issues
  • Damage to jaw
  • Wisdom teeth can impact sinus pathways and cause pressure and congestion
  • Inflammation of gums
  • Cavities due to swollen gums
  • Overcrowding of teeth, which can change your alignment and bite

While it’s easier to treat wisdom teeth in your teens, some adults find that it becomes an issue later in life. It can take years for the final molars to come in, which can become a pain for those who thought they were done with incoming teeth. If you are in Sartell or Roseville, MN, and are worried about the impact your wisdom teeth will have on your oral health, give us a call.


Wisdom teeth don’t always need oral surgery to be fully extracted, but if they are impacted—or not visible above the gumline—they are usually resistant to removal.

At i-Implant Dentistry, we will be able to determine whether wisdom teeth extraction is necessary for your oral health. If you are experiencing pain or notice consistent bad breath, you may be need of emergency wisdom tooth extraction. It’s better to treat the issue before it becomes a significant dental problem. Call and schedule an appointment today!